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May Lee is available for speeches, seminars, moderating, hosting, emceeing, media consulting and training.  She also provides customized workshops and lectures on cultural diversity, education and women's issues using advanced research and data for schools, corporations and organizations. 


Lotus Media House also provides video production services, long and short formats, for all media platforms.  Media consulting in the form of strategy building and one-on-one training is also provided by LMH.  


View video clips of speaking engagements, TV news highlights, career profile and May Lee's personal story.  

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International Journalist
Show Host/Producer
Keynote Speaker
Media Trainer/Consultant


Lotus Media House (LMH) first launched in 2007 in Singapore as a start-up production company focusing on creating original, unique content for Asia and beyond. At the helm was and still is international journalist May Lee. She chose the lotus as the symbol for her company because of its deep and significant meaning in Asia. The lotus flower grows in what, seemingly, are adverse conditions such as murky swamps and yet, the most beautiful flower rises unstained. The lotus stem, too, is unique for it can bend with the strongest of winds and never break. May saw the lotus as the perfect symbol of a woman...resilient, strong, unbreakable and beautiful. 


Based on that symbol, May brought her vision to develop a talk show that celebrated the "Modern Woman of Asia" to life. LMH produced "The May Lee Show", the first pan-Asia talk show for women. The program aired throughout Asia and parts of the Middle East on STAR TV. It then got a second life on Hallmark Channel and was rebranded as "Faces and Places with May Lee". 

LMH has and continues to work with various corporations and organizations, both for profit and not-for-profit, as a media and journalistic consultant, trainer and educator. Clients include Coca-Cola, Micron, Medtronic, East West Center, Scan Health, and Hate is a Virus. 


LMH currently produces "Shoes Off Inside", a vodcast (video-podcast) that explores the API experience and beyond with hosts May Lee and veteran Asian American actors Kelly Hu and Tamlyn Tomita. 

May Lee is also a respected educator focusing on preparing the journalists and communication experts of the future. From 2018 to 2023, May was an adjunct instructor at USC Annenberg where she taught multiple undergraduate and graduate courses. She also developed an original course on Asian American history and the media as well as an on-air broadcasting workshop that provided hands on training in anchoring, hosting, voice work and in-person presentations. From 2023 to 2024, May was a full-time professor of broadcast journalism at Chapman University's Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. 

In July of 2021, May was honored by Forbes and featured on the "50 Over 50 Impact List", spotlighting women over the age of 50 who are leaving a positive and lasting impact on the world. In April of 2022, May was named one of "50 Unsung Heroes" by Asian Hustle Network.


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